Spencer, Aria, Hanna, Emily and Alison were best friends. Alison was the queen bee, and she knew all of their dirty little secrets. But then one day Alison vanished. is the best site for Pretty Little Liars Online Streaming. Overview. This season of Pretty Little Liars takes place five months following the discovery that Mona Vanderwaal Janel Parrish was the elusive A that had been. Main cast of Pretty Little Liars Actor Character Season 1 2 3 4 5 6 Troian Bellisario: Spencer Hastings: Main: Ashley Benson: Hanna Marin: Main: Lucy Hale: Aria. All about the bestselling Pretty Little Liars book series by Sara Shepard, in order from first to last. Add them to your book collection today!. This book is the best book ever and i love all the other books in the series. I think Sara Shepard does a really good job writing these books and all of these books.... . Sara Shepard is the author of two New York Times bestselling series, Pretty Little Liars and The Lying Game, as well as the series The Perfectionists. She graduated. The Official Site of Pretty Little Liars features the Pretty Little Liars blog, cast news, episode spoilers and Sara Shepard's Pretty Little Liars books.. Okay, so I just got a nook for my birthday, and when i saw the Pretty Little Liars tv show on ABC Family, I decided to read the books. I'm a sucker for book series. Pretty Little Liars is the first book in the bestselling series by Sara Shepard. After the body of their best friend Alison DiLaurentis is discovered, four girls.